just good friends

A quick game of dominos

Sorry about the quality of the image. I was in a rush. Ho hum.

paw print

chavs that pass in the night

urban wildlife emerges from the bush


photo taken by Tim

Crystal Palace, November 2007

yeah, I love concrete too

Crystal Palace, August 2007

Bear death

The last moments of a bear. Barcelona 2005

Barcelona, 2005


The wildlife of Wimbledon wait for the innocent passer-by before pouncing.

Wimbledon, June 2007

Cyber Ironing board

Like some cheap Doctor Who alien insect this was hiding in a bush just around the corner.
There seems to be a growing number of ironing boards hidden away around London at the moment, as if they are waiting for something. This is the second I’ve spotted in a few months, Not being the sort of person who suffers from either paranoia or Conspiracy theories (too much), it does seem we may be under some kind of attack, if only from aliens that want us to have better pressed shirts and be more presentable. A lost cause on me, I’m afraid.

Crystal Palace, June 2007